InFokus: Developing Research Strategies (online short workshop)



Date: Mon, 11 November 2024, 09:00–12:30 h
Location: online via Zoom
Target group: Junior Faculty of the UA Ruhr universities (Habilitation Candidates, Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior Professors); max. 25 participants
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens
Registration deadline: 28 October 2024
Contact for organizational questions: Dr. Ursula Justus (RUB Research School)


This workshop aims to support you in shaping your research for your academic career advancement.

Elevate your skills in research development to consolidate your research plans and academic profile for larger grants and professorships. Develop strategies for building research collaborations and becoming a Principal Investigator in initiatives like SFBs and Research Units. 

Design comprehensive research perspectives for you and maybe your group and learn how to effectively integrate master's and doctoral students into your research agenda.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens is Biochemist and leader of his own research group at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and at the University of Ulm. He shares his knowledge and experiences since several years as professional trainer.

* Für die Anmeldung arbeiten wir mit dem Dienstleister eveeno® zusammen. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Platzvergabe auf der übergeordneten Programmseite.