Sommerabend for Postdocs


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Research Academy Ruhr invites all postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr to a relaxed networking evening on 28 June! Get in touch with colleagues from our three universities and share experiences on science communication with researchers who actively bring their research to the public by using different media.

In a panel discussion, we will talk about

  • aims and motivations to engage in science communication, social media, or outreach activities
  • impact of science communication activities on own research and their contributions to individual research reputations and track records
  • different approaches of making research public or sharing research with non-experts and experiences with different media
  • how to deal with time, resources, and conditions to make research public

Afterwards, you are most welcome to stay for an informal get-together with finger food and drinks at the Rote Bete restaurant (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).

Please register here by 17 June.

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Research Academy Ruhr invites all postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr to a relaxed networking evening on 28 June! Get in touch with colleagues from our three universities and share experiences on science communication with researchers who actively bring their research to the public by using different media.

In a panel discussion, we will talk about

  • aims and motivations to engage in science communication, social media, or outreach activities
  • impact of science communication activities on own research and their contributions to individual research reputations and track records
  • different approaches of making research public or sharing research with non-experts and experiences with different media
  • how to deal with time, resources, and conditions to make research public

Afterwards, you are most welcome to stay for an informal get-together with finger food and drinks at the Rote Bete restaurant (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).

Please register here by 17 June.