Calendar of Events

September 2024

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Tuesday, 10. September 2024 — Wednesday, 11. September 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Make convincing communication your strategy

During this workshop, you will shed light on the power of communication: As you enter a role which demands responsibility, initiative and more and more independence in your research tasks, communication can be an effective tool to reach your (career) goals. The workshop will focus on different situations and communication partners and will consider power structures, roles and responsibilities. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 16. September 2024 — Tuesday, 17. September 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Managing up and lateral leadership: engaging effectively with colleagues

This seminar nurtures “lateral leadership” skills to improve communication with colleagues, address ongoing challenges with them and nudge colleagues toward the goals that matter most to each one.
On the first day of the workshop, participants are provided with a framework through which to assess their relationship with their colleagues, they identify realistic objectives that they wish to achieve, are introduced to a number of techniques to achieve these objectives and, finally, develop a plan to address outstanding issues they might have with their colleagues. On the second day of the workshop, participants meet the trainer through a series of one-to-one meetings (one hour each). 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 16. September 2024 — Friday, 20. September 2024

Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany (PAW 2024)

Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team invited researchers and research institutions, postdoc coordinators and research administrators all over Germany to join us in creating a special program, events and a social media campaign to honor the incredible work of postdocs!

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Tuesday, 17. September 2024

Competence Profiles and Career Development (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered for female Postdocs by the Graduate Center Plus (UDE) as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024. 

Following a competency-based approach, the participants are enabled to gain clarity about their own motives, strengths and potentials. On this basis, they can consistantly act in a goal-oriented manner and take congruent decisions regarding possible areas of personal growth. The participants are invited to develop a distinctive profile and learn strategies to communicate it in an effective way to potential employers or stakeholders.

Target group: female Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Wednesday, 18. September 2024

Good Research Practice for Postdocs: New Roles - New Responsibilities (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered by the Graduate Center Plus (UDE) as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024. 

The workshop focuses on the supervision perspective in the postdoc phase. Participants will exchange ideas on how they can fulfill their responsibility for teaching the basics of good scientific work in their own research environment, what experiences they have had, and what resources and support they need to do so. Typical feedback and common uncertainties of PhD students regarding data management and publication practices will be integrated and discussed.

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Thursday, 19. September 2024

Postdoc Impuls: Enhancing my visibility online - First steps from the personal webpage to social media (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered by the Graduate Center TU Dortmund University as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024.

If something cannot be found online, it does not exist. So, how do you bring your research and related activities into existence? Join us for an edition of "Postdoc Impulse" that will help you enhance your online presence and showcase your expertise to potential employers, collaborators, and the broader research community. 

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Monday, 23. September 2024

InFokus: Strategische Positionierung und Erwartungsmanagement (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Im Workshop lernen Sie Stellschrauben kennen, um die verschiedenen Erwartungen an Ihre Rolle(n) zu bedienen und sich zugleich nicht zu sehr in der Vielfalt der Anforderungen zu verzetteln.
Der Workshop unterstützt Sie sich zu fokussieren und angemessen „Nein“ zu sagen, wenn „Angebote“ an Sie herangetragen werden, die zwar viel Arbeit bedeuten, Sie aber in Ihrer Weiterentwicklung nicht fördern.

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Tuesday, 24. September 2024 — Thursday, 26. September 2024

Herbstakademie 2024

Mit Erfolg zum Doktortitel: Kurzworkshops, Karrieretipps und Netzwerken für Promovierende der Universitätsallianz Ruhr. Bereiten Sie sich in der diesjährigen Herbstakademie vom 24.–26. September 2024 auf die Abschlussphase Ihrer Promotion und auf die Zeit danach vor!

Target group: Promovierende in der Abschlussphase (UA Ruhr-Universitäten)

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