Research Explorer Ruhr: Hosts and Application


How to apply to a professor’s profile by 16 February 2025?

​​STEP 1
You can apply for Research Explorer Ruhr 2025 via this link*: Please fill out the registration form completely.

Upload your academic CV and a publication list (in one file!) via the sciebo service**:
Please use the following specification for naming the file: last name_first name
Upload your file. (The information on the site is unfortunately only available in German. You will be asked to select the file after clicking in the box or to drag them in the box for uploading. When your upload was successful you will see "Hochgeladene Datei" and the name of your uploaded file below.)
Please note: Applications without these documents cannot be considered! 

Further important note:
Do NOT send any kind of application to a professor directly.
*In order to provide you with a comfortable application process, we use registration forms of our service partner eveeno®. eveeno® works in compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). After submitting the registration form, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail. Please note that this is not the final confirmation of your placement. We will inform you in good time whether you have received a place in the program.

**Sciebo is a german non-commercial cloud storage service from universities for universities and works also in compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Participating Hosts

Engineering Sciences

Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Institute for Energy and Materials Processes
Reactive Fluids
Host's Website

Research Area:
Understanding and controlling combustion processes and the synthesis of nanomaterials in the gas phase is at the center of the research performed by Professor Schulz and his 45-member group. Nanoparticles with tailored properties are synthesized in flames, plasmas, and wall-heated reactors in the Nanomaterials Synthesis team. The work is aimed at the development of new materials, in particular for use in energy technologies and their integration in electrochemical devices in the Nanoprocessing group. Research also includes laser-based techniques for in situ measurements of concentration, temperature, droplet and particle size, as well as velocity in reactive flows. The Laser Diagnostics team conducts fundamental research on new measurement techniques. These techniques are also employed by the Internal Combustion Engines team in engine test cells that are equipped for optical in situ measurements to shed light on in-cylinder processes. The Kinetics team uses shock tubes to investigate reaction rates and mechanisms in combustion, ignition, and particle formation. By coupling shock-tube reactors with optical and mass-spectrometry it is possible to investigate ultra-fast processes at high temperatures in the gas phase. In their research, the interdisciplinary team composed of engineers, chemists and physicists works closely with other groups at the Institute for Energy and Materials Processes.
In addition to publicly funded fundamental research, these topics are also addressed in collaboration with numerous partners from industry. These investigations are directed towards materials synthesis, practical energy processes, chemical process technology, and the development of measurement strategies.

Candidate Profile:
We are constantly looking for exellent candidates with strong background in gas-phase synthesis of functional nanomaterials and their application, high-tmeperature kinetics and shock tubes, applied laser (imaging) spectroscopy, energy technology, and the combination of these topics. We expect fluent communication in English or German, and the interest to excel in an internationally competitive environment.

Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Components for High Frequency Electronics (BHE)
Research Group Prof. Weimann
Host's Website

Research Area:
Terahertz semiconductor devices: epitaxy of device structures, cleanroom nanofabrication of functional devices, integration into packages, application of THz waves to imaging and material detection in biology and medicine

Our group designs, fabricates, and experimentally validates novel semiconductor devices for applications in the terahertz (THz) field, in the frequency range between 300 and 3000 GHz. Between electronics and photonics, the THz range is still lacking powerful components to harness its possibilities: the best transistors aren't fast enough, and the photon energy at 1 THz is quite low and thus requires cryogenics. 

We research electronic tunneling devices and advanced transistor structures based on the compound semiconductor materials indium phosphide (InP) and gallium nitride (GaN), which exhibit excellent performance at high frequencies. These semiconductor structures are "grown" in our epitaxy machines, with atomic precision, e.g. tunneling layers need to be controlled within a few nanometers thickness and precise composition. Functional devices are made in our cleanroom usin state-of-the-art nanolithography with less than 10 nm resolution limit. The devices are characterized and put to use in application scenarios, such as monitoring of plant health. 

Our research is linked to several structured research programs we participate in, e.g. DFG CRC/TRR196 MARIE, EU JU CHIPS Move2THz,  and BMBF 6G-HUB 6GEM, with a high degree of networking and exchange. We collaborate internationally with groups in the EU, in Japan and in the US, and nationally with partner universities within UA Ruhr and others.

Candidate Profile:

Completed PhD degree in the areas of 
- electrical engineering, 
- physics, or 
- material science, 

with a focus on one or more of the following topics:
- microelectronics, 
- RF analog and/or antenna design at mm-wave frequencies, 
- semiconductor epitaxy

We are looking for candidates with strong interest in experimental research in a state-of-the-art nanofabrication laboratory and/or a THz test and measurement lab, working in a team of approx. 10 PhD students and 5 permanent staff members, with the goal to submit grant applications in our field of research to DFG and other funding agencies.


Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Structural Analysis
Host's Website

Research Area:
We are developing the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) as a non-classical numerical method for the simulation of mechanical, acoustic and multi-field problems. Applications include wave propagation in bounded and unbounded domains, fracture modelling using both discrete and phase-field approaches and wave-based methods for non-destructive testing and material parameter estimation. Other fields of interest include automatic mesh generation and analysis techniques.

Candidate Profile:
Research experience in either wave propagation analysis or fracture simulation would be welcome. Programming skills and a strong theoretical background in mathematical concepts and computational mechanics are required. Prior knowledge of the SBFEM is an asset, however a strong background in finite element concepts and a strong interest in SBFEM would also be accepted. Very good communication skills in English are expected.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management
Host's Website

Research Area:
Key words: Integrated large-scale/global-scale modelling of water resources quantity and quality; Water Footprint; Scenario development methodologies and assessment.
The principal research interest is the integrated modelling of water resources at the large/global scale, with a particular focus on the inclusion of small-scale processes and their contribution to the terrestrial water cycle. We apply and further develop the WaterGAP3 modelling framework to address the challenges of global scale on water resources. Additionally, the team is engaged in the analysis and evaluation of global change impacts, employing qualitative scenario development methodologies in conjunction with quantitative modelling and indicator development. Our research builds on methods of scenario analysis and development, and to encourage close cooperation between scientists and policymakers and other stakeholders. Further, we have considerable experience of the assessment methods and concepts associated with climate, material, water and land footprints.

Candidate Profile:
A university degree (Master's or Diploma) in civil engineering, environmental engineering, hydrology, geography, geoecology, or a related field is required, with a particular focus on hydrology and water management. Proficiency in programming (C++, R, Python) and database systems (MySQL) is essential. Prior experience in the utilisation of simulation software for hydrological modelling, statistical methods and geographical information systems (GIS) is advantageous. Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in pursuing a doctorate and possess a high degree of motivation, curiosity and the capacity to work effectively in a team. Written and spoken English language skills at a B2/C1 level is required.

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Structural Mechanics
Host's Website

Research Area:
Development and advancement of computational methods in structural mechanics, including biomechanics, concrete modeling, contact, adhesion & friction, coupled problems, damage & fracture, finite element & boundary element methods, fluidic membranes, inverse problems, isogeometric analysis, multifield problems, nonlinear problems, optimization, phase field methods and structural reliability.

Candidate Profile:
Desired candidates should have a strong background and interest in mechanics, mathematics and programming.

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Institute for Materials, RC FEMS and ZGH
Chair of Materials Discovery and Interfaces
Host's Website

Research Area:
At the Chair of Materials Discovery and Interfaces, new multifunctional materials are developed using the methods of combinatorial materials research. To this end, material libraries are produced using special coating processes and characterized using automated high-throughput methods. The information obtained is visualized in the form of composition-processing-structure-function diagrams (functional phase diagrams). The most important research topics include thin film systems for MEMS (e.g. shape memory materials) and materials for the energy systems of the future (e.g. compositionally complex solid solutions for electrocatalysis, thermoelectrics). The group also develops MEMS for materials science applications. 

Candidate Profile:
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of development of MEMS tools for materials science, especially high-throughput experimentation.