Postdoc-Workshop: Career Orientation for Postdocs


Time: Thu, 7 November & Thu, 14 November 2024, 09:00–13:00 h
Location: online via Zoom
Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities (max. 12 participants)
Trainer: Dr. Margarethe Hubrath
Registration deadline: 24 October 2024
Contact for organizational questions:


Career decisions during the postdoctoral phase regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
To support future career orientation and the associated decision-making processes, the workshop provides information about various career options as well as suggestions for reflection and group discussion.

Focal points:

  • Academic career scenarios and development in national and international comparison: Framework conditions, statistics and facts, potential career paths, qualification requirements, explicit and implicit rules in different academic cultures.
  • Alternative career paths and their conditions: Science management, entrepreneurship / self-employment, industry, public sector.
  • Making good decisions: Developing criteria for individual decision-making, analysing various scenarios and their impacts on different life areas.
  • Time horizons: When is the right time to consider and make decisions? How long can/should open-ended orientation processes last? What resources are available and helpful?

Download workshop description (PDF)


Dr. Margarete Hubrath
Since 2001 national and international trainer, consultant, and coach in academia; founder and director of uni-support.
Systematic training as a coach for individuals and groups (ISP/DGFC; 2005 co-founder of “Coachingnetz-Wissenschaft” (network of coaches in academia).
Research, teaching and committee experience at different universities and a research institute.

Main focus of work:

  • Individual academic career counselling and consulting 
  • Preparation for appointment procedures and negotiations in academia (different academic systems)
  • Academic leadership

* In order to provide you with a comfortable registration process, we use registration forms of our service partner eveeno®. Please note the information on the allocation of places on the program overview page.