Career Prospects for Postdocs in the Business Region Ruhr

What does offer? connects postdocs from the UA Ruhr with business representatives from the region. Together, the Research Academy Ruhr and the Junger Initiativkreis Ruhr, a network of specialists and managers under the age of 40 from the partner companies and institutions of the Initiativkreis Ruhr, invite postdocs to discuss their career prospects in business. 

The aim: to get to know career prospects and career requirements, to discuss expertise and know-how when switching to industry and to identify career conditions. The focus is on matching skills acquired in university research with the requirements and needs of regionally based companies. thus supports the possible transition to a career in business and serves to strengthen networking between science and industry in the Ruhr region.

Transparency and open dialogue, but also direct insight into regional companies and a young business network are key features of the interactive format, which, in addition to keynote speeches and a panel discussion, also offers plenty of space for networking and 1:1 discussions with the participating companies.

Who is aimed at?

The new format is aimed specifically at postdocs from all disciplines at the University Alliance Ruhr and is also open to members of the junior faculty (habilitation candidates, junior research group leaders and junior professors) who can imagine a change to the industry world as an alternative career path. 

Organizational notes:

The next event will take place in fall 2025. Further information will follow in due time.

Kalender IconThe next event will take place in fall 2025. Further information will follow in due time.

The official event language is German. 

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Moderation: Dr. Sibel Vurgun (TU Dortmund University) & Robin Göllner (BP Europa SE)

- “Career prospects for postdoctoral researchers”, short keynote speeches by Dr. Christian Hille (Accenture Industry X) & Dr. Maria Verena Peters (TU Dortmund University)

- “Postdocs and company representatives in conversation”, panel discussion

  • Dr. Julian Meyer (Geschäftsführer bei Hochtief Engineering)
    "Hochtief Engineering erbringt bautechnische Ingenieur- und Planungsleistungen für die Segmente Transportinfrastruktur, Energieinfrastruktur, soziale Infrastruktur und Real Estate für Projekte in Deutschland und für internationale Projekte."
  • Dr. Christian Hille (Leitung Energiewirtschaft in Europa, Mittlerem Osten und Afrika für Accenture Industry X) 
    "Ich verantworte die Strategie und das Geschäft mit allen Kunden der Energieversorgung sowie für das Thema Energiewende im Kontext von Services rund um Beratung und digital Engineering."
  • Dr. Mirko Ebbers (Chief Product Officer bei termios)
    "termios ist ein 2023 gegründetes Joint-Venture von mantro als Company Builder, dem sauerländischen Familienunternehmen Oventrop und der Düsseldorfer LEG Immobilien SE. Als Technologieunternehmen entwickeln wir grüne Lösungen rund um Heizen, Nachhaltigkeit und ESG für Wohnimmobilien. Als Managing Director
    Product bin ich verantwortlich für die strategische Planung und Umsetzung der Entwicklung sowie die erfolgreiche Markteinführung unseres smarten Heizthermostats termios Pro."

- The opportunity for further exchange over snacks & drinks

Download Flyer (PDF) // Read also the report from 2024 on LinkedIn


Falls Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Dr. Kirstin Schreiber
Koordination Research Academy Ruhr

Fon: +49 (0)234 32-29239